Article-5-URDG 758-Independence of guarantee and counter-guarantee

A guarantee and counter guarantee both are separate undertaking and independent by nature, let’s first understand the terms guarantee, counter guarantee and underlying contract.

Demand Guarantee: Is an irrevocable undertaking issued by the guarantor (bank or entity) to pay the beneficiary up to the maximum amount of the guarantee, upon presentation by beneficiary of a demand which complies with the terms of the guarantee.

Counter‑Guarantee/Indirect Guarantee: Is a form of demand guarantee which is issued in the favor of the issuer of a demand/local guarantee. It is usually used when two banks in different countries are involved. It mitigates the country risk for beneficiary as usually be issued by the bank/entity where beneficiary is located.

Underlying Relationship: As we know guarantees are used to cover the non-performance of the applicant, underlying relationship is the contract between applicants and beneficiary upon that a guarantee may be based. A guarantee is independence irrevocable undertaking once it is issued. Notwithstanding, all the guarantees are not based on underlying relationships such as tender guarantee or a custom guarantee.


Article-5- URDG 758

Independence of guarantee and counter-guarantee

A. A guarantee is by its nature separate from the underlying relationship and the application. Guarantor is in no way concerned with or bound by such relationship. A reference in the guarantee to the underlying relationship for the purpose of only identifying does not change the independent nature of the guarantee. The undertaking of a guarantor to pay against the guarantee is not subject to claims or defenses arising from any relationship other than a relationship between the guarantor and the beneficiary.

A guarantee is issued in documentary nature, it may or may not be based on the underlying relationship between applicant and beneficiary. However, once it is issued, is considered a separate and irrevocable undertaking.

B.A counter-guarantee is also by its nature independent of the local/direct guarantee, underlying relationship, guarantee application and any other counter-guarantee to which it relates or may be based, and the counter-guarantor is not concerned with or bound by such relationship. A reference in the counter-guarantee to the underlying relationship for identifying it does not change the independent nature of the counter-guarantee. The undertaking of a counter-guarantor to pay under the counter-guarantee is not subject to claims or defenses arising from any relationship other than a relationship between the counter-guarantor and the guarantor or other counter-guarantor to whom the counter-guarantee is issued.

As indicated above, a counter-guarantee is also a form of demand guarantee which is issued by the guarantor (usually located in applicant's country) in favor of local guarantor if beneficiary is not willing to take the credit and country risk of the guarantor located in other country. A direct/local guarantee will be subject to local law (in case not specifically indicated in guarantee) which will favor beneficiary in case of dispute as they will be well aware of law of their country. A counter guarantee and local guarantee both are separate undertaking and independent in nature once issued.


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Chandan Kumar Yadav
My name is Chandan Kumar Yadav CDCS, CSDG, CITF, PGDIBO,AML-KYC, CCFE, MLIBF, CSF, 6SIGMA a trade finance professional with an experience of 11 years whereas worked with several stages of letter of credit, bank guarantee and on other payments methods of trade transactions such as documentary collection, open accounts, SBLC etc., I have a fair understanding of Trade Based Money Laundering as well, Blogging related to Trade Finance is my passion and I want to share which I know and learn from others, I have worked with Wells Fargo, Yes Bank Limited and Bank of America, India which helped me to gain knowledge, view of Trade Finance and importance of International Trade in world's economy. Trade Finance is thumping product, everyday we are learning something new so in order to keep learning I started this as one of the platform. . Let's Learn Together

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